
Future of ERP
The Future of ERP for Companies with Work-From-Anywhere Models

For companies who are sustaining working-from-anywhere models, security, cloud, and mobile technology will be the key aspects of the future of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and access to it will remain a critical capability in allowing workers to do their jobs as if they are in the office, from anywhere. The ability to successfully operate and monitor your business in any kind of remote structure relies on the security, accessibility, standardization, and communication provided by your IT infrastructure and ERP software. Shoring up your security defenses, operating in a cloud environment, and utilizing mobile technology will take your ERP software to the next level and optimize its capabilities including for remote workers.

Navigating the World of Digital and Content Marketing to Win New Business
Navigating the World of Digital and Content Marketing to Win New Business

Is your company taking advantage of digital marketing opportunities available through content-driven resources? If not, now is the time for your marketing team to explore and create a digital strategy that can deliver new leads to your sales team, who can then turn those leads into potential clients. Perhaps you have heard such buzz words as brand awareness, lead generation, social engagement, and retargeting, and may be wondering how they tie together with online marketing and content creation, and more specifically, translate to improved client relations and increased sales.

How has COVID-19 Changed the Cybersecurity Landscape?

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, we have seen a spike in phishing attacks, Malspams, and ransomware attacks, resulting in many infected personal computers and phones. Some attackers are using the pandemic as bait to impersonate trusted brands, and businesses and end-users alike are being targeted.

Web Design
Designing a Modern Website Your Customers Will Appreciate

Search the internet for modern website design and dozens of articles will pop up with a list of do’s and don’ts for building the most contemporary and effective website. What works for one brand may not necessarily work well for another, however. Since design is subjective, companies must decide what look and feel would best fit their brand, corporate model, and messaging, plus increase traffic, and ultimately turn clicks into measurable sales.

The Rise of Contactless Payments and other Technologies in the Retail Industry

In 2020, the U.S. supply chain experienced significant disruption, particularly during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic. The impact was sizable, with shortages of paper goods, food items such as meat, and certain cleaning supplies and other essentials. At the same time, national and state-wide lockdown mandates led to the temporary (and in some unfortunate cases – permanent) shuttering of many physical-location retailers. Virus fears caused shoppers to head online to order food, medicine, and other goods, leading to an unprecedented boom to eCommerce.

Business Resiliency Planning
Part Two: The Rising Role of Technology in the New Normal - Digital Marketing, WMS, Supply & Demand

As the U.S. and over 180 countries worldwide shut down due to SARS-CoV-2, the fast-spreading virus strain that causes COVID-19, many businesses were forced to immediately shift into survival mode, as a “non-essential” workforce in certain states either went on unemployment or, adopted to working from home (WFH). The arrival and fast spread of Covid-19 and the subsequent national shutdown hit our nation and the world in ways not seen in generations. The role of technology during this crisis will be studied substantially in the future and, no doubt, the technological leap caused by the COVID-19 pandemic will likely make 2020 the year that changed the trajectory of technological tools used for business, such as cloud computing, e-commerce, mobile, and remote work.