Business Celebration
VAI: 40 Years of Enterprise Innovation, and Still Going Strong
August 6, 2018 ERP Bob Vormittag
As VAI celebrates 40th years in business, the company takes pride in its journey to becoming a top enterprise resource planning (ERP) vendor, the evolution of technology that has shaped its innovation over the years, and how it has always remained dedicated to partnering in development with its customers.
Pharma Laptop
How ERP Software Can Support the Battle Against the Opioid Epidemic
July 13, 2018 ERP Kevin Beasley
With more than 115 people in the US dying daily from overdosing on opioids, and overdoses increasing 30%, to 54% in certain regions from 2016 to 2017, the opioid crisis remains an unresolved and alarming issue. What’s more, it’s not uncommon for prescription opioids to lead to problems such as heroin addiction...
email marketing
3 Tips to Help Retailers Win the Social Media War
June 21, 2018 ERP Joe O'Hea
In today’s online era, retailers have more competition than ever before. At one point, competition came solely from fellow brick and mortar stores. Today 73.4% of users follow a brand because they’re interested in the product and or service. If you’ve ever wondered how social media can help your retail store, you’re not alone. Nearly all retail store owners struggle with the time and knowledge it takes to effectively manage social media, resulting in a negative opinion regarding the role that social could actually have on their businesses.
Holiday Tablet Mobile Device
‘Tis The Season To Be Mobile
November 16, 2017 ERP Debajyoti Das
With approximately 6 weeks left in the holiday shopping season, it’s no surprise to see that retailers are eager to make the most out of the 2016 holiday rush. According to the National Retail Federation NRF’s survey conducted by Prosper Insights, American consumers plan to spend an average $935.58 during the holiday shopping season this year, and it’s not surprising that social media marketing and mobility will play an increased role in driving sales.
Vegetables | Food
3 Ways Technology Supports Innovation for Manufacturers in the Food and Beverage Industry
August 15, 2017 ERP Joe Scioscia
Technology has become the driving force behind the increased pace of business, with companies today facing the “keep up or be left behind” reality. The world of food is especially influenced by this continuously changing and fast-moving, technologically advanced landscape. Food and beverage companies must handle the challenges, that shape the industry and as such, they look to innovation to remain relevant and compliant. In a competitive environment with fickle regulatory conditions, food and beverage manufacturers need to rely upon technology solutions that will support them not just today, but well into the future.
Is Your Website Prepared For The 15 Second Challenge?
July 24, 2017 ERP Todd Endsley
Businesses today often rely upon an informative, engaging, and attention-getting website as a first impression. Having a professional and polished website that functions easily and offers customers simple navigation is significant to increase overall user interaction. 55% of visitors spend less than 15 seconds on a website. During this time, consumers are making a variety of decisions including whether to continue browsing, or head over to peruse the websites of the competition. This means you have less than 15 seconds to not only capture the user’s attention, but also to keep them engaged.