
BlockChain | Data Protection | Smart Home Security | Data Transaction / Digital Currency | Product Tracking | Shipment Tracking
Three Areas that Will Drive Retail’s Adoption of Blockchain in 2020
November 25, 2019 Software/Technology Todd Endsley

Whether it’s accepting digital payments, improving supply chain visibility, or streamlining logistics, predictions are that blockchain has a bright future in the retail industry. More retailers will begin to rely on blockchain for increased efficiency and data management as we move into the new year and these key areas for application are realized. There are three areas in particular that will drive blockchain’s adoption among retailers in 2020; click here to find out more.

Mobile Computing
The Age of Mobile Computing

For many businesses, mobile computing is no longer a “like to have” option. Staying ahead of the competition requires staying on top of the technology curve. The technical advancements and advantages in the age of mobile computing and mobile application usage are still being discovered and indeed, still being developed, but as more businesses adopt to these smart business tools, “like to have” is fast becoming, “need to have.”

3 Ways Technology Is Changing the Way We Work
3 Ways Technology Is Changing the Way We Work

As technology is rapidly incorporated in our everyday lives, it is not only changing the way we live, but also the way we work.  If you can’t say yes to the following statements, then it may be time to find an ERP solution whose technological advancements can help streamline your business.

Technology is Key to Meeting DSCSA Deadlines
Technology is Key to Meeting DSCSA Deadlines
August 6, 2019 Software/Technology

With the support of technology such as ERP, all processes are optimized and serialization is taken care of, allowing for a faster order-to-cash cycle and overall better business performance. Digitally transforming your pharmaceutical supply chain will ultimately set your business up for success because it will be prepared for any changes or additional regulations that may come in the future.

Food Manufacturers Guidelines
Enterprise Solution Guidelines for Food Manufacturers

Food manufacturers can sometimes face obstacles in their daily operations. Having a proper ERP solution for your business means choosing software that will help you improve food safety and streamline operational efficiency, while managing your business growth. Does your Enterprise for Food solution have these 2 components?

Don't Let Punxsutawney Phil cast a shadow on your 2019 Business Growth

Imagine your business having a less than stellar year, lacking growth, positive change, or a healthy bottom-line. Would you want to relive this negative year on repeat, year after year? Here are 5 ERP tools your company should implement that won't cast a negative shadow on your bottom-line.
