AVA Companies

  • Worry-free cloud computing
  • Business continuity
  • Food safety compliance with traceability and product recall capability
  • Automated processing reducing the need for manual tasks
  • Continuous, local support

Hicksville, New York

Wholesale Distribution, Manufacturing, Food & Beverage, Importer

Cloud, WMS, Lot Tracking, Food Safety, Manufacturing

Case Study
More Customer Success Stories
Manufacturer Rowmark, leads the global market with the help of VAI unlimited user licensing and ERP software.
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Seacore Seafood Inc
VAI ERP food solution a fresh catch for Canadian importer, distributor, and custom fish processor, Seacore Seafood.
Sheralven HQ Sheralven HQ
Sheralven Enterprises Ltd.
VAI helps international fragrance distributor, Sheralven Enterprises, enjoy the sweet smell of success. with S2K ERP.
Smith Drug Company Headquarters Smith Drug Company Headquarters
Smith Drug Company
Smith Drug Company continues expansion with integrated ERP applications.

See Why Companies Large and Small are Moving to VAI ERP

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