Concordance Healthcare Solutions

  • Unlimited user licensing to support mergers
  • Insight into inventory levels, bill rates, and profitability with Heath Check
  • Punch-Out capabilities tracking open back orders and item usage
  • Mobile ordering with access to account data from the app
  • Review PO’s daily to see what products are frequently required from a specific vendor
Concordance Healthcare Solutions

Tiffen, Ohio

Wholesale Distribution, Durable Goods, Pharmaceutical, Healthcare Solutions Provider, Medical

WMS, Analytics, Mobile Order Entry, Unlimited User Licensing, Pharmaceutical, Demand Planning, Punch-Out

Case Study
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VAI helps international fragrance distributor, Sheralven Enterprises, enjoy the sweet smell of success. with S2K ERP.
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Industry leading office supply company, Wist, streamlines operations and decreases overhead cost with VAI ERP.

See Why Companies Large and Small are Moving to VAI ERP

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