Long Island Pipe

  • Accurate, real-time inventory
  • CRM prospect tracking
  • IBM Power Server
  • Manufacturing tools benefitting the shop floor
  • Warehouse automation
MJS Packaging

Garden City, New York

Wholesale Distribution, Durable Goods

Warehouse Management, Manufacturing Management, Distribution Management, Customer Relationship Management, Retail Point-of-Sale

Case Study
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Sheralven Enterprises Ltd.
VAI helps international fragrance distributor, Sheralven Enterprises, enjoy the sweet smell of success. with S2K ERP.
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Smith Drug Company
Smith Drug Company continues expansion with integrated ERP applications.
Valley Cooperative
Valley Cooperative and VAI collaborate to create a consolidated and integrated ERP platform.
Industry leading office supply company, Wist, streamlines operations and decreases overhead cost with VAI ERP.

See Why Companies Large and Small are Moving to VAI ERP

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