
Four Star Salon

  • Server needs supported through data center
  • Single Sign-on
  • Detailed analytics reporting
  • Unlimited user licensing
  • Onsite support
MJS Packaging

Hauppauge, New York

Wholesale Distribution, Durable Goods

WMS, Point-of-Sale, Mobile, Cloud, Analytics, Unlimited User Licensing

Case Study
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My Father’s World
VAI Assists My Father's World in Becoming a Major Player in the Homeschooling Industry
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VAI WMS and analytics capabilities the right solution for Natural Choice Foods.
The VAI team provides PruittHealth, a medical services and resources provider, with the caring touch.
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Seacore Seafood Inc
VAI ERP food solution a fresh catch for Canadian importer, distributor, and custom fish processor, Seacore Seafood.

See Why Companies Large and Small are Moving to VAI ERP

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