AVA Companies

  • Worry-free cloud computing
  • Business continuity
  • Food safety compliance with traceability and product recall capability
  • Automated processing reducing the need for manual tasks
  • Continuous, local support

Hicksville, New York

Wholesale Distribution, Manufacturing, Food & Beverage, Importer

Cloud, WMS, Lot Tracking, Food Safety, Manufacturing

Case Study
More Customer Success Stories
Morton Food Service
Morton Food Service expands with simplified ordering, complete traceability, and enhanced customer service.
My Father's World My Father's World
My Father’s World
VAI Assists My Father's World in Becoming a Major Player in the Homeschooling Industry
Natural Choice Foods
VAI WMS and analytics capabilities the right solution for Natural Choice Foods.
The VAI team provides PruittHealth, a medical services and resources provider, with the caring touch.

See Why Companies Large and Small are Moving to VAI ERP

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